Book Party!

We all love books, or at least we’ve all read books. This is a chance to share what made a specific book important to you. Maybe you just really liked it. Maybe it made you think about something in a different way. Maybe it was something you were forced to read and it left an impact. Maybe it was so bad that somehow it made you happy. In any case, bring the book with you. At some point in the evening, before it gets too late, we’ll get together and give everyone a short synopsis (no spoilers!), tell us why it’s important to you, and then people can choose a book to go home with.

  • When: Saturday, April 27 – 7pm
  • Where: McKinley House – 502 Clifden Dr.
  • Refreshments: We’ll have light finger food type stuff and drinks (you might want to eat dinner before, if that’s your jam)
  • Kids: Maybe kids can do their own thing, somewhere else.
  • Bring: A book. Otherwise, if you want to bring food or drinks, that’s cool but you don’t need to.
  • RSVP: Yes please. Email me, text me, leave a comment below, yell at me, whatever.

NOTE: If you want your book back, make sure to put your name in it and make sure the person that takes it knows you want it back. Otherwise practice what French poet Anatole France preached…

“Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folks have lent me.”

Everyone comes with a book and everyone leaves with a different book. No homework. I’m not going to check to make sure you read it!